pre THESIS - this is my early thesis presentation during crit 4..quite down sbb kene bantai teruk time present..
introduction - my thesis is about to study on humanity architecture | to propose disaster relief management centre at subang..
basically the idea is to have a centre that manage disaster relief process..from recovery, rehab, prevention, and preparedness.

disaster - actually, the word 'disaster' itself is a really big word for thesis proposal..and it is a very good issue to think about.. org dlm dunia ade macam2 puak..bergadoh itu ini..politik la macam2..tapi when we talk about 'humanity', semua org akan kembali kepada fitrah yg sama..cth nye mangsa2 somalia atau palestin..sume org atau NGOs akan same2 mmbantu dorg walaupon hakikat nye NGO2 ni takde lah sekepala sgt dlm hal2 lain..
the idea is to translate - how humanity can be applied into architecture?
i tried to brainstorm the word 'humanity', 'architecture' and macam2 lg lah..
so dpt lah this concept..( i have translated into diagrams supaya tak boring sgt)

tp kene komen n kene bantai teruk sebab dorg susah nak paham ape yg aku nak sampaikan kat concept nih..
this are the presentation boards..
do leave comments, supaya aku leh impruv kan lagi thesis nih..
salam piei.
ReplyDeleteaku budak b.arch dari sebuah kolej swasta juga bakal turut mghadapi thesis tahun depan. jadi alangkah baiknya hati andai kate bro dapat berkongsi presentation bro dengan saya kerana saya rasa kerja2 bro sentiasa mendapat perhatian saya. dan jika tidak keberatan bolehlah bro emailkan kepada saya di asrarmuzamir@yahoo.com
sekian terima kasih.
ReplyDeletetgk lah dlu..kalo aku rajin aku uplod..
skang tgh prepare utk final present 22hb nih..harap2 ok la
can you mail me the clear images for case stdy reference ,it would be a huge help as my thesis topic is quite similar.
hi, I am an architecture student planning to do something related to disaster management for my graduation thesis. It would be really helpful if I could view your project in clear resolution to get some references regarding this topic.Please can you email it to this email ID
Deleteim.arshad06@gmail.com. Thank you very much
can you mail me the clear images for casestudy reference ,it would be a help me in my project work.
PLZ email this on kapilneupane13@gmail.com
Deletehai,am pavithra,final year student of B.Arch studying in india,i planned to do my first thesis in disaster relief centre in tamilnadu.And i saw yours works regarding my research,but some details are not visible,can you plz mail me the study portion for my further progress.It would really be helpful for me.thank you
ReplyDeletei am also doing disaster relief center.can you sent your mail id, so we can share our information.mine srinath.jawahar@gmail.com
DeleteHi, Same with me. I actually emailed you. I hope you see this. Thanks.
Deletecan you mail me the details for case studies at richanshaa@gmail.com
Deletehi, i am also doing thesis on disaster relief centre. Can you help me with the case studies. yo can mail me at jahanvi.jp24@gmail.com
Deletehi can any one of you email me details on jhamtaniprakash1996@gmail.com coz
Deleteits not readable
salam, saya amirul student dari uitm seri iskandar course archi gak. untuk final sem ni saya buat project disaster relief center dan saya sedang buat study and research untuk project ni. boleh ke saya dapatkan file sume ni thru email for study purposes. amirulhafidzz@gmail.com tq
ReplyDeleteHi,I'm Dharshika.l like your thesis studies which are very deep.it is not clearly visible.can you please send me in my mail ....it'll be very useful for my studies.thank you
Hi i am mansi.final year b.arch student from india and i am doing my thesis regarding flood relief centre and i read about your project but i am not able to see the image properly so can you please mail me image so yhat i can refer them and study them so that it would help me progress with my project.
ReplyDeleteHersHe is my mailid- mansiprajapati0212@gmail.com
It would be really helpful
Thank you
Deletei am an architecture student from india can u please share ur initial study sheets as i am doing my thesis on a similar topic of yours.
hy i am B arch final year student . i am doing my thesis in relevant topic can any one send me some research about the topic....
ReplyDeleteHi I am a B.arch final year student from Nepal. I am doing my thesis on Disaster Management Institute. I read your paper but some information are not clearly visible. Could you please mail me these photos for my further study. It would be of great help. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteMail id: jayamaharjan215@gmail.com
hi, I am an architecture student planning to do something related to disaster management for my graduation thesis. It would be really helpful if I could view your project in clear resolution to get some references regarding this topic.Please can you email it to this email ID
ReplyDeleteim.arshad06@gmail.com. Thank you very much
Hi I am a B.arch final year student from kolkata. i am preparing a thesis proposal on disaster management centre in sundarban. i really like your sheet presentation. kindly share your work to ghoshjoyita.66@gmail.com. it will be really helpful for me.
ReplyDeletethank you